Domains Of Pleasure Scale (DOPS)

The Domains Of Pleasure Scale (DOPS) is a newly developed questionnaire designed to measure the multifaceted aspects of pleasure. It assesses levels of pleasure across different domains (e.g., social, physical). The psychometric properties of the DOPS were tested in two studies (Study 1 N = 2937, Mage = 21.4 years, SD = 1.9; Study 2 N = 1187, Mage = 22.84, SD = 2.23). In line with the multifaceted view of pleasure experiences, comparisons with a one factor solution showed that pleasure may be best investigated domain specific rather than aggregated over all items. Across studies, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that pleasure was reliably measured in the domains of social pleasure, sexual pleasure, perceptual pleasure, and pleasure in personal achievements. Measurement invariance was established across sex and educational level in Study 1, but not in Study 2. The DOPS is a promising instrument to measure pleasure across different domains and may help researchers and clinicians to pinpoint interventions.