mental health

Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Instrument for Forensic Treatment Evaluation

This study examines the concurrent and predictive validity of the IFTE. We found moderate to strong correlations between IFTE items and HKT-30 items (the HKT-30 is the predecessor of the HKT-R), with work and therapy attendance, and positive drug tests.

Reward and punishment learning in daily life

Our study shows promising results for future research on implicit learning processes in daily life, with the proviso of careful consideration of the timescale used. Short-term retrospective ESM design with beeps approximately six hours apart may suffer from mismatch noise that hampers accurate detection of associative learning effects over time.

Positive affective functioning in anhedonic individuals’ daily life

We investigated deviations in the temporal dynamics (i.e., variability, instability, and inertia) of Positive Affective in anhedonia and showed that individuals with anhedonia are likely less ‘flat’ or ‘blunted’ than generally thought.

Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Instrument for Forensic Treatment Evaluation


Domains Of Pleasure Scale (DOPS)


I just ran a thousand analyses


Ieder Kind Is Anders

Large national crowdsourcing study into child and adolescent mental health and well-being.

No Fun No Glory project

No Fun No Glory.

Personalized lifestyle intervention

Study protocol

Positive affective functioning in anhedonic individuals’ daily life
